How To 2 - Take Advantage of Reference Data#
Sign into DejaCode.
Sign in as a User with full administrative permissions.
Explore and Copy Reference Data#
In this example, you are researching ways to get the most out of your DejaCode data by creating Queries and Reports. One way to get started on this is to explore the Queries that are already defined in Reference Data. This is a good way to get better acquainted with methods for taking advantage of the various Query features.
Select the Dashboard option from the dropdown beneath your User name.
Select the Queries option in the Reporting panel.
Review the Queries currently defined for your dataspace.
Optionally click the View Reference Data button in the upper left section of the form. Review the Reference Data Queries. Optionally, you can click the Copy to my Dataspace button to the left of any entry in order to add or update a Query to your own Dataspace from Reference Data.
Alternatively you can click to select multiple Queries on the Browse form, and then you can use the Copy selected objects choice in the dropdown in the lower left part of the form. Follow the prompts to copy or update the Reference Queries to your own Dataspace.
You can follow a similar procedure to copy Column Templates and Reports from Reference Data to your own Dataspace.
Check for Updates to a Specific Object in Reference Data#
In the DejaCode user view of your own Dataspace, when you are viewing the details of an Owner, a License, a Package, or a Component, you can click on a button in the upper part of the form called Check for Updates which will prompt DejaCode to present you with a form either telling you that the two objects are exactly the same or that you can select specific fields to apply updated values from Reference Data to your own Dataspace. Simply follow the prompts to make those changes.
Check for Recently Updated Objects in Reference Data#
As and administrative user, you can use the dropdown list in the upper-right corner of DejaCode to select Components, Packages, Licenses or Owners to navigate to the Administrator’s Browse forms for those objects. From the Browse form, you can click the View Reference Data button in the upper left section of the form to prompt DejaCode to show you the current contents of Reference Data. Note that the objects are by default sorted by Date Modified descending, so you can easily see the most recent updates. You can also search and filter the results to find groups of objects that interest you, and you can follow a procedure similar to the one described above for Queries to copy or update Reference Data objects to your own Dataspace.
Preserving Specific Field Values in Your Dataspace#
When you copy Reference Data that already exists in your own Dataspace, you should note that DejaCode allows you to exclude certain fields when you take that action. An important example where this is important to you is the Usage Policy field, since that is a value you set to comply with your own business requirements. By default, DejaCode excludes Usage Policy when updating an object to your Dataspace from Reference Data, and you may also select other fields to preserve as well.